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Op/Eds, Police, Politics

Targeted for tyranny: We’re all suspects under the government’s precrime program

donald trump
Op/Eds, Politics

What if the White House cocaine baggie had been found on Trump’s watch?


Adventure and exploration: My fascination with Titanic will go on

Op/Eds, Politics

Listening to Oppenheimer, seven decades later

us china
Op/Eds, Politics

Assessing Treasury Secretary Yellen’s Beijing journey

anxiety mental health

It’s OK to want to get rich: But the die trying part will eventually catch up to you

Op/Eds, Politics

Who needs Chinese scientists? America does

Op/Eds, Politics

The beginning of the end of the war in Ukraine?

Op/Eds, Politics

The occupation and Jewish values

biden trump
Op/Eds, Politics

Why are Republicans propping up an arms trafficker to get dirt on Joe Biden?

elon musk twitter
Op/Eds, U.S.

This actually happened: Elon Musk challenges Mark Zuckerberg to, ahem, measure up

Bowl of ice cream and cookies

Hanging out with my 20-something friend brought out the ‘mom’ in me

earth planet ecology environment recycle world
Environment, Op/Eds

Climate and Energy News Roundup: July 2023

Humming birds
Environment, Op/Eds

Is putting out birdhouses and/or bird feeders good or bad for the local ecosystem?

Op/Eds, Politics, U.S.

‘I feel I have blood on my hands’: J. Robert Oppenheimer’s tragedy, and ours

online troll
Economy, Op/Eds

Stop worshipping brands, and stop paying attention to the trolls

prison jail
Op/Eds, Police, Politics, Schools

Spare the handcuffs, spoil the child? Schools are over-criminalized, under-resourced


Looking back: What does 15 years mean in terms of grief?

court law
Op/Eds, Politics, U.S.

The First Amendment under further assault: Cops can sue protest organizers now

Environment, Op/Eds, U.S.

Debate: Is virtual tourism better for the planet than actual tourism?

Op/Eds, Politics, U.S.

Circle the wagons: The government is on the warpath again

prison jail
Op/Eds, Politics

Throw them all in jail, and then throw away the key

student loan relief
Op/Eds, Politics, U.S.

Give us a break: Recessions, student loan debt and the Supreme Court’s decision

mother theresa

Which life do you save? (Spoiler alert: All of them)

electric vehicle
Economy, Environment, Op/Eds

Are there any electric vehicles available that can charge up using solar power?


Echoes of the SS St. Louis today

Op/Eds, Sports

Sports media industry in turmoil: The last person left at ESPN turns out the lights, right?

bug zapper
Environment, Op/Eds

Is it OK for the environment to use a bug zapper to keep the mosquitoes at bay?

bee hives

It’s time to stop the ‘insect apocalypse’

Op/Eds, Politics, U.S.

Prigozhin backs down from challenge to Putin: The coup that wasn’t

court law
Op/Eds, Politics, U.S.

Mailbag: Our fundamental freedoms are being attacked by the Supreme Court